We love our windows here at Main Street Florist. It’s such a fun way to be creative and attract customers. We want to include YOU in on the fun. Have you ever wanted to create a window display and show off your DIY skills? Here’s your chance!

Submit a photo to Main Street Florist that best captures the theme of your window design to
sarah@main-street-florist.com . This could be an object, a place, color scheme, etc. The photo does not have to be taken by you, could be borrowed from online. Then in 250 words or less describe your window design idea. Once all photos/ideas are submitted the voting will begin on facebook. Your friends and family can vote by “liking”
Main Street Florist and commenting on your photo. The winner will get to bring their vision to life at Main Street Florist between August and December according to the theme or season.
Photos are due by July 31
st. Contest voting begins on August. 1
st. Voting will last until 12pm of August 7
th. Family and friends can vote once a day. Submit your entry to
Once the winner is chosen they will be given at $50 budget for supplies and materials outside of what we offer at Main Street Florist. It is essential that your theme incorporate Main Street Florist product or be relative to the florist and gift industry.
Think you will need help setting up? No worries we’ll be there to help make your visions a reality. Ready? Set? GO!!!! Send us those entries!
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